Currently Browsing: May 2020

Unbelievable Benefits Hunza Live water

Unbelievable Benefits Hunza Live water

The island nation of Japan has one of the highest life expectancy ratings in the world. On average, the Japanese live five years longer than their American counterparts. You know, why is that? They drink hydrogen-rich alkaline water which plays an important role in this.  Hunza Live Water is hydrogen-rich alkaline water generated from household Hunza […]


Hunza Live Water prevents Memory Loss & Dementia

Hunza Live Water prevents Memory Loss & Dementia

WHAT CAUSES MEMORY LOSS OR DEMENTIA? According to medical research sites, dementia [or memory loss] has many potential causes. Here are some of the more common reasons theorized: Oxidative Stress: The brain uses more oxygen [per unit of weight] than any other body part.  Because of this it is subject to what’s called free-radical damage, or oxidative stress. […]


Hunza Live water over Plain Water

Hunza Live water over Plain Water

Balancing the pH level in your body goes a long way in helping you stay healthy. This is the reason why many people recommend drinking Ionized Alkaline water. The main difference between alkaline and plain water is alkaline water neutralizes the acid present in water.  The tap water that we receive is highly acidic, which […]


Hunza Live water and Oral Care

Hunza Live water and Oral Care

Whatever your age or style, practicing good oral care is one thing that most of us tend to strive for. Forget Botox injections or anti-aging fillers – clean, white teeth and healthy gums knock the years off like nothing else! Below we will dive into what good oral care looks like and what you can […]


Hunza Live water and Workout

Hunza Live water and Workout

Working out helps improve your body, but it also increases the risk of dehydration. Improve your hydration by drinking Hunza Live Water. Essential minerals in Hunza Live Water and its anti-oxidant properties helps the body to function properly. You also lose fluids when you exercise. This is why drinking enough before you work out and […]


Hunza Live Water and Healthy India

Hunza Live Water and Healthy India

As per the National Health Profile 2019, released in October 2019, the life expectancy in India has increased to 68.7 years from 2012 to 16 against 49.7 years from 1970-75. The life expectancy was 68.3 years during 2011-15. Thanks to health awareness among the people and their switching over of the lifestyle from getting cured […]


Hunza Live water and Eye Health

Hunza Live water and Eye Health

Whether you’re short-sighted, long-sighted or have perfect vision, we all want problem-free, functioning eyes. Did you know that Alkaline Hydrogen Water helps our eyes to stay healthy? Keep reading below to learn how! As with everything, eating right is a big factor when it comes to our eyes. Antioxidant-rich foods containing vitamin C are particularly […]


Hunza Live water and Diabetes

Hunza Live water and Diabetes

HUNZA LIVE WATER HELP REVERSE DISEASES,  The research on H2 hydrogen gas (called free-hydrogen or “molecular hydrogen” by scientists) shows it is a powerful antioxidant. Its unique ability to prevent or reverse diseases is exciting, important, and should not be overlooked!  It’s a historical fact that Japan used to be the worst rated country for health just after […]


Hunza Live water – Perfect for the Elderly

Hunza Live water - Perfect for the Elderly

What does it take to age gracefully? How is that we can ease into our sunset chapter of life without feeling like our body is betraying us? The answer is simple: Treat your body right – right now. Your body is an accumulation of how you’ve treated it. If you’ve settled for the convenience of Acidic, Demineralised […]


Hunza Live water and Beauty

Hunza Live water and Beauty

This article is for everyone who wants to look good and stay young at all times and what if we say it might be possible without makeup and botox treatment and by simply changing your drinking water. Hydrogen rich Alkaline water has miraculous properties which helps you stay young from outside and within both. Let […]