Change Water
To Change Life

Mineral Water Dispenser

What we make


World's First
Zero Waste Water Ionizer with inbuilt RO Technology


Water that provides necessary Minerals like magnesium, calcium, sodium

Water Purifier

Hunza Live water – Perfect for the Elderly

Hunza Live water - Perfect for the Elderly

What does it take to age gracefully? How is that we can ease into our sunset chapter of life without feeling like our body is betraying us? The answer is simple: Treat your body right – right now. Your body is an accumulation of how you’ve treated it. If you’ve settled for the convenience of Acidic, Demineralised […]

Water Purifier

Hunza Live water and Beauty

Hunza Live water and Beauty

This article is for everyone who wants to look good and stay young at all times and what if we say it might be possible without makeup and botox treatment and by simply changing your drinking water. Hydrogen rich Alkaline water has miraculous properties which helps you stay young from outside and within both. Let […]