Benefits of Drinking Alkaline Ionized Water During Pregnancy

Benefits of Drinking Alkaline Ionized Water During Pregnancy

The most critical time for ladies is pregnancy, where every single move is important and every single action makes the difference. When every single thing they eat has its impact and every step has its effect. Exercises need caution and permission and so does the drinking and food. Being an expert in Alkaline Ionized Water we take this opportunity as our responsibility to educate about the benefits and limitations of consuming Alkaline water by pregnant ladies and their growing babies.

The Alkaline Ionized water is a boon for pregnant ladies in more than one way or another. We all know that water is a basic ingredient of the human body and is equally important for the mother as well as the baby. The human body comprises 70% water and its quality and quantity both are important to keep us healthy, fit and going. During pregnancy, the ladies daily require a minimum of 5 liters of water for better health and development for herself and baby, both.

So, what’s that which suddenly makes the alkaline requirement more during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the body becomes more acidic as the baby replaces alkaline elements of the mother’s body by acidic wastes it produces. The baby consumes the mother’s alkaline elements and generates acidic waste which gets added to the mother’s system and all this results in the acid build up and acidic reflux during pregnancy. The acidic waste expelled from the amniotic fluid by the placenta in the body of pregnant women further adds to this acidic build-up and reflux. The toxins, chemicals and other free radicals present in the body make the matter worse and decrease the immune system of the mother and the baby both, making them vulnerable to many other diseases.

The HUNZA Alkaline Ionized Water adds to the alkaline content in the mothers’ body, neutralizes the acid build up and helps in removing the toxins, chemicals and other free radicals while keeping her body hydrated in addition to fulfilling her other minerals requirements also. Thus, the benefits of alkaline ionized water are numerous for pregnant women as it builds her immune system and promotes health and development of both, the mother and the baby.

Alkaline Ionised water helps pregnant women in many ways. Here are a few of the major benefits of it:

  • Eliminates acid build up – Alkaline Ionized water neutralizes the acid build up and acidic reflux during pregnancy. As the baby consumes alkaline elements and generates acidic waste in the mother’s body, therefore alkaline water helps a lot in neutralizing this acidic content and keeping the mother healthy and ready with alkaline matter to again supply to the baby.
  • Promotes the baby’s growth – Alkaline Ionized water contributes a lot to keep the body healthy by fulfilling his body requirement with alkaline contents. So, more the alkaline water consumed by the mother the more it helps the baby.
  • Fulfil mineral requirements – Alkaline Ionized water comes with extra healthy minerals such as Calcium, magnesium, potassium and zinc added to it during its formation and fulfils the mineral requirements of both, the mother and the baby, which otherwise is not fulfilled in case of tap water or some other groundwater.
  • Neutralizes acidic wastes of amniotic fluid – The Alkaline Ionized water neutralizes the acidic waste expelled from the amniotic fluid by the placenta in the body of pregnant women, which can otherwise do a lot of harm in case left unchecked.
  • Keeps body hydrated – The micro-clustering in the Alkaline Ionized water provides better hydration to the baby and the mother while promoting healthy growth to them.
  • Promotes normal delivery – Alkaline Ionized water contributes a lot in the normal delivery of the baby by strengthening the mother’s muscles by keeping them hydrated and relieved.
  • Removes free radicals – Alkaline mineralized water is full of antioxidants. These antioxidants help to fight free radicals and eliminate them.
  • Strengthens the immune system of the baby – Alkaline Ionized water strengthens the immune system of the baby and keeps it safe from infections and many vulnerable diseases that it may catch from the mother’s body itself.
  • Easily absorbed by the body – Alkaline Ionized water has smaller molecular structure and is therefore easily absorbed by the mother’s and the baby’s body and thus keeping them hydrated, safe and sound.
  • Flush out toxins and other chemicals – Alkaline Ionized water flushes out the toxins and other chemicals from the body and keeps the body safe and healthy.

Water Ionizer Machine eliminates harmful chemicals such as chlorine, herbicides and other chemicals from tap water, retains important minerals such as calcium, potassium, zinc and magnesium thus increases its pH level.

The World Health Organisation WHO highly recommends drinking MINERAL Water to keep us fit, healthy and sound. 

Now you can buy affordable HUNZA Water Ionizer Machines in India, visit for more details


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